
Financial Analytics & Intelligence

Understanding the True
Value of a Business

Accurate, timely and comprehensive solutions
enabling ‘ahead-of-the-curve’
Challenges Faced by Clients

Sourcing, Analyzing and Interpreting Financial Performance of Companies in a Timely, Accurate and Sustainable Way

Setting-up such a process isn’t straightforward and the extent businesses get
this right directly impacts the quality of their decision making.
Inaccurate, incomplete, or inconsistent data leading to flawed financial analysis, poor decision-making, and potential
regulatory issues.
The sheer volume and complexity of financial data can be overwhelming, especially during those peak reporting periods throughout the year. This makes it difficult to extract meaningful insights and identify trends or patterns.
Delays in receiving up-to-date financial information can hinder decision-making and impact the organization’s performance
and competitiveness.
Integrating financial data with non-financial data, such as operational, market, customer and strategic intelligence is complex, but essential for a comprehensive understanding of the company’s performance.
Varying financial reporting formats and accounting standards impede effective benchmarking of companies. Unstructured data further complicates the
analysis process.
What We Do

Financial Intelligence Enabling the Right Decisions to be Made
at the Right Time

For over two decades, our expert financial team has been supporting financial institutions and other companies who have a requirement to understand the true value of the businesses within their portfolio.

Financial Data Sourcing

Leveraging leading-edge technology and an extensive knowledge bank, we source financial reports from listed and non-listed entities worldwide.

Financial Spreading

Working on portfolios of companies with a range of reporting standards, we streamline the standardization process of financial data with our tech-enabled solution. By extracting relevant information from financial reports and adhering to notes-to-accounts and other presentations, we ensure consistency and comparability.

Financial Statement Analysis

Our highly qualified team of financial analysts (MBA in Finance, CFA, PGDM in Finance, M. Com in F&A) performs in-depth analysis of financial statements, encompassing ratio analysis, horizontal and vertical analysis, and cash flow analysis. These insights provide a comprehensive understanding of a company’s financial health.

Credit Report Support

We compile detailed credit reports that include company activities, ownership details, commentary on management, ESG factors, financial KPIs, and strategic developments. These comprehensive reports enable informed credit decisions.

Financial Modeling Support

Our customizable financial modeling templates and rating matrices help define future scenarios and their impact on financial health. By leveraging our expertise, clients gain the ability to predict outcomes and make strategic decisions with confidence.
Why Our Clients Work with Us

Expertise Delivered in a
Sustainable Way

  • Technology led processes delivering efficiencies
  • Scale delivering industry-leading turnaround times
  • A highly capable and qualified team of financial experts (combination of CFAs and MBAs) delivering quality

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