
Competitor Intelligence

Getting Ahead and Staying Ahead

In a rapidly evolving landscape
What it Solves

Getting Ahead and Staying Ahead in a Rapidly Evolving Landscape

At Cognition, our competitor intelligence solutions are tailored to the clients’ needs and designed to empower their business strategy by addressing the following:
Identifying all potential sources of competition and accurately assessing their market positioning – from the usual suspects to new disruptor start-ups.
Monitoring in real-time developments and key changes in the competitive landscape.
Managing and analyzing a vast amount of data from multiple sources to deliver meaningful, actionable insights.
Separating relevant information from the noise and filtering out irrelevant or misleading data.
Adapting to the fast-paced nature of the business environment to avoid missing timely opportunities or emerging threats.
Integrating competitor intelligence into decision-making processes effectively.
Maintaining a competitive edge in a crowded market where new entrants and disruptors constantly emerge.
How it Works

Comprehensive, Customized, tailored, timely Competitor
Intelligence Solutions

Delivering the right insights at the right time
Two key modules to the Cognition Competitor Intelligence solution:
MODULE 1: Intelligence Report – Developing an understanding of the competitive landscape, including competitor benchmarking and ranking, and a deep-dive on select competitors to get a honed-in view on their business performance, products, and strategies.

Competitor Landscape:

  • Company Overview
  • Competing Products
  • HQ
  • Number of employees
  • Turnover
  • % Growth
  • Net profit margin
  • Turnover per employee
  • Target markets
  • Other parameters as needed at company or segment level

Key Competitors Deep-dive:

  • Business profile
  • Strategic roadmap
  • Products
  • Management team
  • Financial performance
  • Key Customers
MODULE 2: Ongoing Monitoring (AI+HI) – On critical themes,  customized for a specific industry, priorities, use cases, etc., and accessible through Cognition’s proprietary platform (Media SIGNALS).
Why Our Clients Work with Us

Tailored, Flexible Solutions to All CI Requirements and Budgets

At Cognition, we understand the significance of collaboration and customization. We tailor our competitor intelligence study to specific requirements and carefully observe the selected set of competitors. Our flexible operating models cater to a wide range of budgets, ensuring accessibility for businesses of all sizes.

Ready to Explore How Cognition Can Grow Your Business?

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