
Business intelligence

Supporting Businesses and the BI
Industry with Intelligence Solutions
for Over Two Decades

Driving growth by delivering scale and cost efficiencies
What it Solves

Strategic Decision-making is Only as Good as the Data, Intelligence and Insights Behind Them

Cutting Through the Noise to Find Accurate, Relevant and Timely Information

When organizations realize the full value of their data, that means everyone is empowered to make better decisions – decisions that are aligned with core goals, objectives, and initiatives of that business.

We no longer rely on intuition, observation, or guesswork. Instead, we turn to the huge volume of intel at our fingertips to make better decisions more confidently, more frequently, and with better outcomes. So, why are some businesses still making better decisions than others?

A key challenge organizations face is navigating the overwhelming amount of data available and distinguishing accurate, relevant and timely intelligence from the inaccurate, irrelevant and redundant.

For over 20 years, Cognition has helped both Business Intelligence companies and strategic teams within corporations address these challenges.

How It Works

Comprehensive Business Intelligence Solutions

Leveraging technology, our sector specialist teams build, manage, monitor and analyze data, providing the right answers to the right questions that drive growth

We support both the Business Intelligence industry (providers of BI to specific markets) and Corporates (the companies that use intelligence to make better decisions).

With two decades of experience providing back-end support for BI companies large and small around the world, and through our specialist sector teams, we have the expertise and agility to help our clients products constantly evolve to ensure they stay ahead-of-the-curve.
Seamlessly integrate internal and external data for actionable reports and dashboards. We understand the unique challenges our clients face and design bespoke solutions that cater to their specific requirements and desired outcomes. The work we typically undertake:
  • Company Intelligence: Gain detailed reports on competitors, partners, and vendors worldwide, thereby gaining a competitive edge in key markets.
  • Project Intelligence: Track capex projects across industries to identify new business opportunities.
  • Data Intelligence: Access hard-to-source data points and unlock valuable insights for AI/ML requirements.
  • Contract Tracking: Build and monitor a comprehensive database of government contracts and tenders, staying ahead of high-value public projects.
  • Product Sourcing: Identify and source technical specifications of brands and products across various industries, streamlining businesses’ sourcing efforts.
Why Our Clients Work with Us

Success through Collaboration

Relevant, Accurate, Comprehensive, and Timely Intelligence for a Competitive Edge
Our expertise sets us apart, enabling clients to unlock unparalleled value across industries. From comprehensive company reports to data sourcing and contract tracking, we empower organizations to make informed decisions, develop effective strategies, and gain a competitive edge.

Ready to Explore How Cognition Can Grow Your Business?

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